what it is Kingofdown ?

Kingofdown is a service to Debrid all your links and download them with high speed like if you are using your own premium accounts.

How can you help us and why !

As you can see we provide many interesting services like uploaded, rapidgator, letitbit, turbobit, rapidshare and all those are expensive so you can help us by sharing our web site with your friends, be active in our social pages ( facebook, twitter, google+) ,donate us! and why you should help us, so we can keep going, and try to give you the best we can.

Are Kingofdown services free ?

Yes, our goal is to make all services free for all people who have been sick from the low speed download, on several hosts especially rapidgator, uploaded, turbobit ... and you can not resume your download.

premium accounts !

Every body know what are the premium accounts, an premium account is an username and a password that you use it to log in into your Host to download with full speed.

Are they for Free ?

NO. But you can find some we sites that share there premium accounts, the problem is you don't find what you are looking for and often the premium account are banned cause of huge use from many country.

Premium cookies !

A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie, or browser cookie, is usually a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website, it contain a premium username and password the advantage of sharing cookies is, people will never know you password, you still can't find all the hosts you want or looking for.